not know this about massage
Russian Massage has become a legendary technique in the United States. What is the reason for this? What is Russian Massage? Why should you (or should you not) choose it as your massage treatment? All of these questions I hear almost every day for the past 20 years of my practice. This article will help you to understand what Russian Massage is about.
The truth is there is no such term as “Russian Massage” in Russia! Searching through numerous Russian books on the subject of massage therapy you can find an unimaginable number of different massage techniques and a substantial variety of their combinations. Each of these systems has a specific name. For example: “Connective Tissue Massage”, “Classical Massage”, “Body Reflexology Massage”, “Point Massage” and so on. Also there are many techniques and systems, which are not described in the literature at all, due to communist regime prohibitions back in the day.