Is jogging in the morning useful - what helps morning jogging
Some seek to lose weight, the second - to tighten the body, and still others strengthen health. Any motivation is suitable, but before you start, you must choose an individual schedule of races. In the article we will talk about running in the morning - what it gives, and how to proceed with it.
If you decide to run, then you are ready to change your life for the better!
What are the benefits

The first thing that affects the quality of a run is the condition of the athlete. If you are a lark, then getting up an hour or two early is not a problem for you. But with a predominantly nocturnal lifestyle, the morning rise does not bring pleasure, the body is weakened, not ready for physical activity. If you can’t change the schedule, then do not torment yourself. For the rest, we’ll tell you about the changes that you will feel after the first two weeks of exercise:
Discipline. Any sports training at the same time leads to self-discipline.
Health. The athlete’s circulatory system works much more efficiently, the heart muscles strengthen, the risk of heart attack and stroke decreases, and thanks to fresh air, the lung volume becomes larger. Also, immunity improves, rarely there are acute respiratory infections and colds.
Cheer up all day.
Endurance - after cardio trainings strength exercises are better tolerated.
Increased appetite for those with this problem. In general, normalization of metabolic processes occurs. With too high a metabolism, it becomes lower, in the opposite case - higher.
Losing weight. Cardio classes are considered the most effective for this purpose.
However, there are features for the female and male body.
What is useful in the morning for women
For girls, the following is important:
Dopamine is produced - the hormone of happiness, so you will be charged with a positive mood all day long. This will reduce the craving for sweets.
Beautiful, clean, toned skin. A flushed face is a sign of intense flushing. Such a good blood circulation leads to the fact that each cell is saturated with oxygen and nutrients, updated.
Lack of stress, the nervous system calms down.
Rejuvenation of the body, including the reproductive system. It is also associated with an influx of blood cells into the pelvic organs. Especially recommended light jogging for women during menopause.
Slenderness - for a girl it is very important to give the body a form, elasticity, but not to make the figure courageous. Unlike strength training, cardio training gives the general tone to the muscles, evenly distributing the load.
What helps running in the morning for men
In addition to the above points, also characteristic of the strong half, there are features characteristic only for guys. Scientists have proven that with this type of load hormones are produced that increase potency. The result is increased sex drive and a good erection. This is ensured not only by the hormonal background, but also by increased blood circulation.
Strengthening blood vessels is the main prevention of early impotence, and the supply of oxygen to the body and brain leads to the active work of brain centers that affect libido.
Great way to make a difference.
You will achieve any goals if you learn to make an effort on yourself. The motto of the athletes is: the main victory is above oneself. And then you can conquer the whole world. You will see the changes:
become more productive and purposeful;
You will learn how to motivate yourself for any necessary things;
stop putting off "for tomorrow";
You will be more confident;
thanks to the hormones of happiness, every day will pass with a smile;
stop quickly getting tired, increase your efficiency, learn to use all your energy for this;
enriching the brain with oxygen will put your mind in order, make it clean, not sleepy;
this is a great opportunity to quit bad habits, because after a smoked cigarette or alcohol it becomes harder to run.
After 2-3 weeks of constant runs, you will feel a change in your life.
Is running in the morning helpful: tips for beginners
If you are new to this business, you should start to exercise gradually, otherwise it can lead to sprains, muscle pain, corns on the feet and increased fatigue. After such a set, you don’t want to repeat your morning “feat” the next day.
Enter the sport gradually, start with a short workout, alternate your run with a step, but don’t stop. Our recommendations:
Before you begin, evaluate your training - have you practiced before, what is the interval between these periods.
Are you overweight? It is usually more difficult for complete people to take the first steps.
Buy sneakers with good cushioning and a sports form of breathable fabric, with ventilation. Do not save on ammunition. If you start in the winter, we recommend ordering equipment in the Stayer online store. In the catalog you will find a large selection of insulated jackets and trousers that are distinguished by durability and the necessary air circulation.
Take the first 10 minutes to warm up. Without warming up the muscles, it is likely to damage the joints.
Remember that running is also an exercise, which means that it has its own technique of execution, which must be followed.
Measure your heart rate before and after your run or buy a heart rate monitor.
And also we will give some recommendations that will help to bring the matter to the end and not to leave it halfway.

Tip 1: Overcome Laziness
The habit is developed within three weeks. Exercise daily, force yourself to get out of bed early so that after 21 days it becomes a pleasant and easy burial. Come up with a reward for keeping your word.
Tip 2: find a company
Is it worth it to run in the morning if the bed is much warmer and more comfortable? But the question changes dramatically if a comrade, colleague, neighbor or second half is already waiting for you on the street. You will not want to let the companion down, and also show yourself in an unfavorable direction and you will be forced to go.
Tip 3: make a bet
Losing is always unpleasant, and if you, for example, play through money, then it’s also unprofitable. It is advisable to argue with someone who will control you. It can be a family member or a neighbor who always looks out the window. This will be an additional incentive for new achievements on the treadmill.
How to run
running technique
A few rules:
Give the body an hour after waking up to prepare for physical activity. During this time, you can do hygienic procedures, have a bite to eat, and take a leisurely step to the stadium.
Develop a jogging schedule.
Each time, start with a warm-up (at least 15-20 minutes), and end with a hitch. The last exercises need to be done smoothly reducing the load on the heart.
Choose a place away from the road with fresh air.
Breathe correctly. Take a breath with your nose, it should be short. Exhale is twice as long, through the mouth.
Recommendations for women
Refrain from intense training during critical days. Movement can lead to uterine bleeding and increased pain. Running for pregnant women and immediately after childbirth is also prohibited.
Pay more attention to breathing, it is more difficult for girls to keep it in a certain rhythm than for guys. If your goal is to burn excess fat, then you should move slowly, but for a long time.
Rules for men
The stronger sex has a great chance of developing flat feet if movements are performed incorrectly. The severity of the body should be distributed evenly throughout the foot with a roll - from landing on the heel to a smooth transition to the toe. Second tip - choose shoes with good cushioning and an orthopedic insole. Running in the morning is good, but only in good running shoes. Sneakers are absolutely unsuitable for this.
One more recommendation - if you want relief muscles and not lose weight, then limit yourself to 20-30 minutes, but give all your best to them.
In men, leg injuries, especially muscle sprains, are more difficult to tolerate, so do not ignore the workout.