Is it useful to run in the morning

Some strive to lose extra weight, some strive to lift the body, and others improve their health. Any motivation is appropriate, but before you start, you should choose an individual race schedule. In the article we will tell you about running in the morning - what it gives, and how to start it correctly.

If you dare to run, then you are ready to change your life for the better!

The first thing that affects the quality of the run is the athlete's condition. If you are a lark, then getting up an hour or two early is not a problem for you. But with the predominantly nightlife, the morning rise does not bring pleasure, the body is weak, not ready for physical activity. If you can't change the schedule, you shouldn't torture yourself. For others, we will tell you about the changes you will feel after the first two weeks of exercise:

Discipline. Any sports training at the same time leads to self-discipline.

Health. The athlete has a much more effective blood system, strengthens heart muscles, reduces the risk of heart attack and stroke, and thanks to the fresh air becomes more lungs. The immune system is also improving and there are fewer cases of acute respiratory infections and colds.

Vivacity all day long.

Endurance - after cardio training, strength exercises are better tolerated.

Appetite boosting for those who have problems with it. In general, exchange processes are normalized. If the metabolism is too high, it becomes lower, otherwise higher.

Slimming. Cardio lessons are considered the most effective for this purpose.

However, there are features for the female and male organism.