Intestinal health food
Digestion of food does not end in the stomach, but continues in the intestines, which also need suitable food. This is what we will talk about in this article.
The intestine is the canal through which food passes. When food moves through the small intestine, most of the essential nutrients it contains are absorbed.
The two most common bowel dysfunctions are related to the speed at which food passes through the intestines:
Moving food too fast leads to diarrhea, leading to dehydration, loss of mineral salts and other nutrients that are not absorbed by the body.
Moving too slowly leads to constipation. Feces decompose and release toxic substances. They are absorbed into the bloodstream, which leads to poisoning of the body. Therefore, constipation is associated not only with discomfort. We have already told you how to permanently get rid of constipation, and in quite some detail, so in this article we will restrict ourselves to a brief overview.
Constipation is a slow, difficult passage of intestinal contents with rare bowel movements and excessively hard feces.
In most cases, constipation is functional in nature and is the result of decreased tone or weakness of the muscles of the colon. Organic causes are observed in exceptional cases. The most serious of them are colon or rectal cancer.
Normal is the frequency of bowel movements from two times a day to once every two days. If bowel movements occur less frequently, constipation is diagnosed. Factors that accelerate or predispose to atonic functional constipation are as follows:
Improper diet with insufficient intake of water and / or fiber. As a result, the inner lining of the intestine is not stimulated and weakens.
Irregular bowel habits. If, due to nervous tension or in a hurry, a person ignores the biological urge to defecate, you can lose the bowel reflex.
Overuse of laxatives. It leads to continuous inflammation of the intestinal mucosa, which entails its immunity to normal stimuli.
Lack of exercise required to stimulate the bowel reflex.
In most cases, functional atonic constipation is resolved as soon as these four causes are eliminated. A proper diet is needed to solve this problem.
Increase Reduce or Exclude
Water Industrial Baking
Fiber White Bread
Whole grain mollusk and crustacean bread
Wheat Bran Chocolate
Fruit Meat
Vegetables Fish
The apples