How to run with friends

Running is one of the most affordable types of physical activity. In addition, this is a great way to bring the body into shape: get rid of extra centimeters, train the heart and lungs, tighten muscles. Practically everything is involved in running - from children to adult professional athletes. Despite the fact that running, at first glance, seems a fairly simple cardio exercise, there are many pitfalls on which the effectiveness of a workout and its health benefits depend. One of the questions that beginner athletes are asked is is it possible to run on an empty stomach?
Fitness trainer, triathlete and marathon runner Vladimir Lepesa tells about what running on an empty stomach can lead to and what rules should be followed.

Does fasting help you lose weight faster?
Regular morning jogging on an empty stomach can be useful for people with a slow metabolism. After all, it is physical activity in the morning that will help burn more fat deposits due to the lack of simple energy sources in the body - carbohydrates and proteins. However, other factors influence the final result.
Vladimir: Running on an empty stomach, like any other workout without first eating, will not affect the achievement of your goals in weight loss. Only daily calorie counts. And when exactly do you eat - before or after training - is not critical. The most important point is the comfort of such classes for you personally.

Is running on an empty stomach healthy?
Many runners are primarily concerned about the safety of such training. Adhering to a balanced diet throughout the day and paying attention to the intensity of jogging, you can avoid negative effects on health.

Vladimir: For the heart muscle, it makes no difference whether you are running on an empty stomach or having breakfast before training. Therefore, it is absolutely safe to go jogging on an empty stomach if you follow a balanced diet throughout the day. Timing your meals is not that important. The only caveat to consider is the intensity of the workout. If you have planned intensive interval running training, you should eat before it, especially if you are a beginner. This will help to avoid sharp jumps in blood glucose.

"This article is not a recommendation, but is for informational purposes only. Before taking action, contact your doctor."