How can I eat yummy food and be cool?
Overweight people know that when you do not control yourself and eat without restrictions, extra pounds appear quickly. Therefore, they think so - you want to lose weight, refuse your favorite food and adhere to a strict diet.
You can go the other way and say to others: "I am complete and do not want to lose weight." The fashion for a lean figure puts serious pressure on our psyche. But if you look at it, there is a grain of truth in it - in the world of an excess of junk food, a slender person is a standard of health and body care.
Therefore, food techniques are so popular when it is allowed to eat everything, eat tasty and at the same time lose weight. And lose weight quickly and without health consequences.
How to eat and lose weight at the same time
How to eat and lose weight is a mystery that most people try to solve throughout life. Who does not want to lose excess weight and not refuse at the same time a plentiful meal, ice cream or a favorite drink?
The secret to losing weight is to eat right and enjoy what you like, and not force yourself to do without your favorite foods. You can even afford to overeat on the weekend without gaining weight. This is not only possible, but also necessary if you want to lose weight forever.
Food is pleasure. And yes, you can eat normally and lose weight at the same time. This is a real discovery for those who have tried different types of voluntary torture - from starvation to unthinkable diets!
How to lose weight quickly and still have everything
When fat people for the first time find out that to lose weight you need to eat everything, the first reaction is distrust and shock. They are afraid to get even better and believe that for the sake of health they need to exclude gluten, lactose, sugar and fat from their dishes. The world is going crazy with a lot of diets!
Therefore, many people think that the only solution is to close the kitchen with a key. How many patients lost 10 or 20 kilograms after undergoing a strict diet developed by a doctor, and then quickly gained weight again with an increase! These fluctuations up and down are harmful to health and force the body to accumulate excess fat in reserve or starve.
Only a balanced diet without frills and omissions can return the body to its original weight.
At the beginning of this path, you can even gain a couple of extra pounds before starting to lose weight. However, weight gain is fully offset by the calmness that you will feel when you regain control of your life and food. You do not have to constantly go with a list of allowed and prohibited dishes.
Eating your favorite food, you will feel happy. And gradually stop eating more than necessary. You can start eating normally and lose weight at any time!

What you need to eat to lose weight
How much do you need to lose weight - 2, 5, 10 or 30 kg? People who are overweight and obese all their lives often fail to follow diets and weight loss programs. And more often surrender. Falls and attempts to overcome body problems lead to self-distrust and psychological problems.
And only those few lucky ones who discovered the laws by which the body functions, lose over a short period of excess weight forever and easily maintain the norm for years. They also eat what they like.
They don’t have to eat diet food or exercise to the point of exhaustion in the gym. Losing weight helps a conscious attitude to life and health.
The truth is that there are no "bad" foods or "bad" calories.
You can eat what you like, participate in dinner parties, eat and drink at parties, avoid your favorite desserts and lose weight quickly.
Here's how it works. If in a month you ate fewer calories than you burned, doing regular activities, no matter what and when it was eaten, you will lose weight. You will lose weight, even if you eat your favorite foods, even if this is what nutritionists say you can’t eat at all.
Easy way to lose weight
Meaningless and merciless diets and tips on how to lose weight are pouring from magazines and TV, and on the Internet, every second comes up with an original method of losing weight.
But the main secret to losing weight is that there is no secret as such. This is science. Pure math. If a short, slender woman needs an average of 1400 to 1800 calories per day, and will not eat more, she will not gain weight. But if she has habits that lead to exceeding this daily norm, then she will easily get better and will constantly gain weight.
Instead of thinking about the daily limit of 1800 calories, it’s better to think about 12,600 calories per week. If you only eat 1200 from Monday to Friday, you need to eat more than 3800 calories a day on weekends to gain weight!
Strictly maintaining the norm of calories on weekdays, you can eat anything, but without going beyond the limit. A piece of cake is 350 calories. A normal serving of lasagna is 500. If you think you cannot add these slimming dishes per day with a limit of 1800, let's clarify this point.
Introducing new habits is not a matter of “willpower” or “decision making”.
There is a scientific method to lose weight and keep weight normal, but it is not so much a science of nutrition as a science of psychology and behavioral medicine. Willpower and self-discipline have never been a strong trump card in losing weight.
Reprogramming habits is the result of using a number of simple tricks and techniques. As soon as habits are developed, a completely different result is obtained. It remains the weight that they wanted.
You have repeatedly seen how other people do it, people who eat just like you or even more, and at the same time remain slim. You can do it too!
Now we begin to eat only our favorite foods. Do not spend calories on mediocre food. Our “diet” can include all types of meat, potatoes, pasta, sauces, drinks, and even desserts that you could only dream of before. We don’t refuse anything!