flatulence of the intestines
Such an unpleasant phenomenon as bloating can bother many. Both children and adults. What can be caused by these malfunctions in the body and how to avoid them? Let's figure it out!
About 30 liters of air pass through the gastrointestinal tract per day. It enters the body when we eat. Conversations, rushing during meals, swallowing liquids in large sips (for example, taking hot tea), swallowing poorly chewed food, smoking, drinking chewing gums.
In the intestines a huge number of various microorganisms. Everything that enters the intestines is digested by these microorganisms. As a result of digestion, a huge amount of gases is synthesized. When a large amount of gas accumulates in the intestine, they begin to look for some secluded places in the area of physiological bends: the right hypochondrium, the left hypochondrium, the hepatic angle and the splenic angle.
According to recent data, the amount of gas that exists in the intestines of a person suffering from bloating is exactly the same as that of a person who does not suffer from bloating. And the cause of the development of an uncomfortable state of bloating, as well as pain, is associated with problems in the gastrointestinal tract itself.
We ate and feel discomfort. What could be the problem:
Gastrointestinal tract. Stomach, duodenum or small intestine - if the problems are up to 30 minutes, if 30 minutes after eating, then these are problems in the colon.
Infections that affect the large intestine, small intestine, for example, Salmonella, Yersinia, E. coli, the same Helicobacter. Giardia, giardiasis, protozoa, which, being in the small intestine, multiply and produce gases. As a result, our intestines are squeezed, it is uncomfortable for him.
Heart failure. With heart failure, fluid accumulation in the abdominal cavity is observed.
If for some reason you become concerned about the problem of bloating, in no case do not make a diagnosis on our own, do not try to be treated on our own.
Of course, bloating is rarely the main symptom of a disease, but if you suffer from belching, abdominal pain, you have bloating and heaviness - be examined! First go to the therapist, and he will send you, perhaps to a gastroenterologist, an infectious disease specialist.
What foods can cause bloating
Products cause increased gas formation (more in the video):
Fructose, glucose, fiber - all fruits are rich in them. You need to eat less than 400 grams per day. And not at a time!
Lactose (milk sugar). There are people who have lactose intolerance, and with age, lactose causes more and more problems.
Fructans. Contained in onions and garlic. In fact, these products are very rich in sugar.
Galactans (found in legumes). But legumes are very useful, so soak them for a long time!
All of these foods should be consumed carefully and little by little.
Why should you pay attention to eating bread?
Due to yeast. Bread contains yeast; they cause flatulence and bloating. Which exit? Replace bread with crackers. Yeast-free bread is possible, but carefully! In the production of yeast-free bread, the manufacturer allows the addition of sourdough. When buying bread in a store, pay attention to the composition. What flour? Rye, seeded, peeled, wheat? Plus, various additives can be in the composition: seeds, fruits and vegetables!