Experts told what should be eaten and what it is better to refuse before training so that it would be effective

What is it worth giving up?
The eggs. Yes, eggs have a large amount of pure protein and nutrients, including choline and selenium. But this does not mean that they will be ideal products before training. After all, they lack the carbohydrates that are so needed before strength training. If you do not supply eggs with a small amount of carbohydrates, then it is better to forget about them before strength exercises, and eat them after.
Spicy food. Spicy foods, such as chili peppers, can contribute to weight loss, speed up metabolism. But before training, such food is still not worth it. This will only lead to an upset digestive system and heartburn. And in the workout itself, you will suffer from excessive sweating.
Fried food. Fried foods are generally not recommended for a healthy diet. And even more so, you should not do this before training. After all, after that, there will be a feeling of heaviness in the stomach, from which it will not be possible to get rid during sports.
Hummus. This is an excellent source of fat, but not the best option for a snack before training. In its preparation, chickpeas and butter are used. Their combination can cause an eating disorder.
Bean products. There are a lot of protein and dietary fiber in legumes. If protein does not cause any problems, then there may be certain problems with the consumption of the latter, if you do this before training. It's all about increased gas formation, bloating, which are formed in the process of digestion.
Cruciferous vegetables. Cruciferous vegetables are broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower and white cabbage. They should not be eaten before training. The reason, again, is associated with bloating, increased gas formation. Training will be difficult due to gas and pain. In addition, it will be quite difficult to deal with due to energy loss.
Avocado. Of course, avocado is an extremely healthy product rich in healthy fats. Only before training it is not worth it. The thing is that strength will be spent on digesting the product, and not on the training process.
An Apple. The fact is that fruits have acids, pectin and fiber can cause unwanted bloating. And also digestion due to this will be slowed down. It is best to consume them after a workout.
Carbonated drinks. The whole problem is that after consuming soda, flatulence, indigestion, bloating are possible. This will bring problems during training. Carbonated drinks are best replaced with water.
Coffee. The fact is that caffeine leads to dehydration. And in the process of training this is extremely unpleasant. You will need to drink too much water to replenish the balance. Therefore, it is better to completely abandon coffee before training.
What to eat before going in for sports?
Eating before training should be two hours. This applies to a full-fledged dish in which the balance of fats, proteins and carbohydrates is maintained. Fats should be healthy - vegetable oils, fish, nuts. Proteins are dairy products, meat, fish. The latter include pasta, cereals, whole grain cereals, some fruits, vegetables.